Privacy Policy

Protecting your data is the very highest priority for us at aconso. We protect the data with which you entrust us, using the technological and organizational tools currently available.

Privacy Policy

I. Name and address of the responsible party

The responsible party within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other provisions under data protection law is:

aconso AG
Theresienhöhe 28
80339 Munich
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 516186-0

II. Name and address of the data protection officer

The data protection officer of the responsibility party is:

Carsten Knoop
audatis Consulting GmbH
Luisenstr. 1
32052 Herford
Tel.: +49 (0) 5221 87292-0

III. General information relating to data processing

1. Scope of the processing of personal data

We principally only collect and use personal data of our users insofar as this is necessary to provide a functional website as well as our contents and services. The collection and use of personal data of our users is, as a rule, only carried out after the granting of the consent by the user. An exception applies in such cases, in which a prior obtaining of a consent is not possible for actual reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by statutory regulations.

2. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Insofar as we obtain a consent of the relevant person for the processing activities of personal data, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will serve as the legal basis.

With the processing of personal data, which is necessary in order to fulfil a contract, the contractual party of which is the relevant person, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR will serve as the legal basis. This shall also apply to processing activities, which are necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures.

Insofar as a processing of personal data is necessary in order to fulfil a legal obligation, which our company is subject to, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c GDPR will serve as a legal basis.

For the event that vital interests of the relevant person or another natural person render a processing of personal data necessary, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. d GDPR will serve as a legal basis.

If the processing is necessary in order to safeguard a legitimate interest of our company or of a third party and if the interests, basic rights and basic freedom of the data subject do not outweigh the first named interest then Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR will serve as a legal basis for the processing.

3. Data deletion and storage duration

The personal data of the relevant person will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage ceases to apply. A storage can additionally be carried out if this was envisaged by the European or national legislators in regulations under Union law, laws or other regulations, which the responsible party is subject to. A blocking or deletion of the data shall also be carried out if a storage deadline stipulated by the stated standards expires, unless a necessity exists for the further storage of the data for the conclusion of a contract or a fulfilment of a contract.

IV. Provision of the website and creation of logfiles

1. Description and scope of the data processing

Each time our website is called our system will automatically enter data and information from the computer system of the calling computer. The following data are collected hereby:

(1)    Information about the browser type and the used version
(2)    The operating system of the user
(3)    The Internet-Service-Provider of the user
(4)    The IP address of the user
(5)    Date and time of the access
(6)    Websites, from which the user’s system goes to our website
(7)    Websites, which are called from the user’s system via our websiteThe data are also stored in the logfiles of our system. These data will not be stored together with other personal data of the user.

2.  Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the logfiles is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

3. Purpose of the data processing

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary in order to enable a transmission of the website to the user’s computer. For this purpose the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration of the session. In addition, the storage is carried out in logfiles in order to ensure the functionality of the website. Moreover, the data serve us for the purpose of optimisation of the website and to ensure the security of our IT systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes will not take place in this context.

The aforementioned purposes also serve our legitimate interest in the data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

4. Duration of the storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of their collection. In the event of the entry of the data for the provision of the website this is the case when the respective session is ended. In the event of the storage of the data in logfiles this is the case after seven days at the latest. A storage in addition to this is possible. In this case the IP addresses of the users will be deleted or distorted so that an allocation of the calling client is no longer possible.

5. Possibility for an objection and remedy

The entry of the data for the provision of the website and the storage of the data in logfiles is absolutely essential for the operation of the website. There is consequently no possibility to file an objection on the part of the user.

V. Use of cookies

1. Description and scope of the data processing

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files, which are stored in the internet browser or by the internet browser on the user’s computer system. If a user calls a website then a cookie can be stored on the operating system of the user. This cookie contains a characteristic string, which enables a clear identification of the browser when the website is called again. We use cookies in order to design our website more user-friendly. Some elements of our website render it necessary that the calling browser can also be identified after a change in site. The following data are hereby stored and transmitted in the cookies:

(1)    Log-In information
(2)    Condition of the cookie banner, however only after the consent of the user

We additionally use cookies on our website, which enable an analysis of the surfing behaviour of the users. The following data can be transmitted in this manner:

(1)    Entered search terms
(2)    Frequency of the site calls
(3)    Use of website functions

The data of the users that are collected this way will be pseudonymised by precautionary technical measures. Therefore, an allocation of the data to the calling user is no longer possible. The data will not be stored together with other personal data of the users.

When calling our website the users are informed by an info banner about the use of cookies for analysis purposes and are referred to this privacy statement. The user can prevent the storage of cookies in his browser settings.

2. Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies are Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

3.  Purpose of the data processing

The purpose of the use of technically necessary cookies is to simplify the use of websites for the users. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of cookies. For this purpose it is necessary that the browser is also recognised after a change in site.

The user data collected by technically necessary cookies will not be used to create user profiles.

The use of the analysis cookies shall be carried out for the purpose to improve the quality of our website and its contents. Through the analysis cookies we find out how the website is used and can thus consistently optimise our offer.

These purposes also serve our legitimate interest in the processing of the personal data according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

5. Duration of the storage, possibility for objection and remedy

Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and transmitted by it to our site. Therefore, you as user also have the full control over the use of cookies. By a change in the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies. Already stored cookies can be deleted at all times. This can also be carried out automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is however possible that all functions of the website can no longer be used in full.

The transmission of Flash-Cookies cannot indeed be prevented via the settings of the browser, however by changes to the setting of the Flash Player.

VI. Newsletter

1. Description and scope of the data processing

On our website there is the possibility to subscribe to a free newsletter. With the registration for the newsletter the data from the input mask are transmitted to us:

(1)    E-mail address
(2)    Form of address
(3)    First and last name
(4)    Company

Moreover, the following data are collected with the registration:

(1)    IP address of the calling computer
(2)    Date and time of the registration
(3)    Date and time of the activation
(4)    URL of the site of the registration

For the processing of the data your consent will be obtained within the scope of the registration process and reference will be made to this privacy statement. If you acquire goods or services from aconso or you have requested information in this respect from us and hereby deposit your e-mail address, this can consequently be used by us to send a newsletter. In such a case exclusively direct advertising for own similar goods or services will be sent via the newsletter.

The newsletter will be sent with the newsletter service CleverReach (Cleverreach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, 26180 Rastede, Germany. The commissioning of Cleverreach GmbH & Co. KG is based on a jointly signed agreement for the contract processing according to GDPR and envisages the compliance with all stipulations under data protection law as well as the protection of your data. We merely transmit your data to CleverReach for the purpose and the administration of the newsletter despatch. You can find further information pertaining to CleverReach in the privacy statement of CleverReach.

The data will not be forwarded to any third parties in connection with the data processing for the despatch of newsletters apart from the data processing by CleverReach. The data are exclusively used for sending the newsletter. With the newsletter tracking available in CleverReach we evaluated how the newsletter is opened and used. The following data are stored in this respect:

(1)    Openings with date and time
(2)    Clicks with date and time
(3)    De-registrations with date and time
(4)    Ability for service (bounces)
(5)    Location
(6)    E-mail client
(7)    Device

2. Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data after registration for the newsletter by the user with the existence of a consent of the user is Art. 6 I lit. a GDPR.

The legal basis for the despatch of the newsletter as a result of the sale of goods or the procurement of our service is Section 7 Para. 3 UWG [German law against unfair competition].

The legal basis for the newsletter tracking is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

3. Purpose of the data processing

The collection of the user’s e-mail address serves to serve the newsletter.

The collection of other personal data within the scope of the registration process serves to prevent a misuse of the services or the used e-mail address.

The purpose of the data processing for the newsletter tracking is to improve the newsletter and the reader experience with the newsletter.

4. Duration of the storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of their collection. The e-mail address of the user will accordingly be stored for as long as the subscription to the newsletter is active. The other personal data collected within the scope of the registration process will, as a rule, be deleted after a period of seven days.

5. Possibility for an objection and remedy

The subscription of the newsletter can be terminated by the relevant user at all times. A corresponding link can be found in each newsletter for this purpose. A revocation of the consent to the storage of the personal data collected during the registration process is also made possible hereby.

6. Newsletter distribution to existing customers (without registration)

If you have provided us with your e-mail address when purchasing products or services, we reserve the right to send you regular offers on similar goods or services from our product range by e-mail. In accordance with § 7 paragraph 3 UWG we do not need to obtain your separate consent for this. In this respect, data processing is carried out solely on the basis of our justified interest in personalised direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. If you have initially objected to the use of your e-mail address for this purpose, we will not send you an e-mail. You are entitled to object to the use of your e-mail address for the above-mentioned advertising purpose at any time with effect for the future by notifying the person responsible named at the beginning of this document. For this you will only incur transmission costs in accordance with the basic rates. After receipt of your objection, the use of your e-mail address for advertising purposes will be immediately discontinued.

VII. Contact form and e-mail contact

1. Description and scope of the data processing

A contact form is available on our website, which can be used for the electronic contact. If a user takes advantage of this possibility then the data entered in the input mask will be transmitted to us and stored. These data are:

(1)    Form of address
(2)    First name
(3)    Last name
(4)    Corporate name
(5)    Personal enquiry text
(6)    Additional details relating to size of the company, telephone number and the manner in which the attention of the user was drawn to aconso, are optional and take place voluntarily.

At the time when the message is sent moreover the following data will be stored:

(1)     Date of the registration
(2)     Time of the registration

For the processing of the data your consent will be obtained within the scope of the despatch processing and reference will be made to this privacy statement.

Alternatively, it is also possible to contact us via the provided e-mail address. In this case the personal data of the user transmitted with the e-mail will be stored. The personal data transmitted to us via the contact form, by e-mail or other means can be passed on to one of our business partners for processing the enquiry.

2. Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data with the existence of a consent of the user is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

If you contact us via the above-mentioned channels to implement a contract with us, Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) GDPR is the legal basis for processing (processing to fulfil a contract). If your establishment of contact serves the conclusion of a contract with us or one of our business partners, then the legal basis for the processing by us, including our transmission of your personal data to our business partners Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b) GDPR (pre-contractual measures). If your contact neither serves the execution of a contract, nor its justification, the legal basis for the processing by us, including our transmission to our business partners, is our legitimate interest in the optimal support of your inquiry and thus the customer acquisition and retention according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

The protection of your personal data is important to us. If you do not wish your data to be transferred to our business partners, we would therefore ask you to inform us accordingly during the initial contact. A transmission to our business partners does not take place in this case.

3. Purpose of the data processing

The processing of the personal data from the input mask serves us, as well as in the case of the transmission to our business partners only the treatment of the establishment of contact. The other personal data processed during the sending process serve to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our information technology systems.

4. Duration of the storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected and if there are no legal obligations to retain them. In order to achieve the purpose, the personal data from the input mask of the contact form and those sent by e-mail are no longer required once the respective correspondence with the user has ended. This is the case if it can be inferred from the circumstances that the relevant facts have been conclusively clarified. If your contact serves to substantiate or execute a contract, the statutory storage obligations amount to 6 years from receipt of the corresponding message (§ 147 para. 3, 4 AO, § 257 para. 4, 5 HGB). The additional personal data collected during the sending process will be deleted after a period of seven days at the latest.

5. Possibility for an objection and remedy

The user has the possibility to revoke his consent to the processing of personal data at any time. If the user contacts us by e-mail and the contact does not serve the execution or justification of a contract, he can object to the storage of his personal data at any time. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued. An e-mail via the online contact form or an e-mail to is sufficient to object to the storage. In this case, all personal data stored in the course of establishing contact will be deleted.

VIII Information on application management

We collect and process the personal data of applicants for the purpose of completing the application process. The processing can also be carried out electronically. This is particularly the case if an applicant submits application documents to us electronically, for example by e-mail or via a web form on the website. If we conclude an employment contract with an applicant, the data transmitted will be stored for the purpose of processing the employment relationship in compliance with the legal regulations. If we do not conclude an employment contract with the applicant, the application documents will be automatically deleted two months after notification of the rejection decision, as long as no other legitimate interests on our part are opposed to deletion. Other legitimate interests in this sense include, for example, a duty to provide evidence in proceedings under the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG).

The data processing is required for the initiation of the employment relationship pursuant to Art. 88 GDPR § Section 26 (1) BDSG.

IX. Third-Party-Cookies and web analysis services

1. Description and scope of the data processing

For web analysis, we work with partners who help to make the internet offer and the website more interesting for you. Therefore, cookies from third-party providers, so-called third-party cookies, are also stored on your IT system when you visit our website. Third-Party-Cookies are cookies, which belong to other domains than that, which is displayed in the address bar of the browser. These make it possible to track the browsing progress of the user. Data collected by Third-Party-Cookies are processed by their respective providers by order of aconso as responsible party for the data. The data processing, which takes place via the individual service providers, can be summarised in detail as follows:

a) Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

We use Google AdWords for and within the scope of Google AdWords the Conversion-Tracking, an analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). A cookie is set by Google AdWords hereby (“Conversion Cookie”) if a user comes to for via a Google advertisement. These cookies will cease to be valid after 30 days and do not serve the personal identification. If the user visits certain sites of and the cookie has not expired yet aconso and Google can recognise that someone has clicked on the advertisement and was thus forwarded to the site. Each AdWords customer will receive a different cookie. Cookies can thus not be tracked via the websites of AdWords customers. The information obtained by using the Conversion-Cookie serves to create Conversion statistics for AdWords customers, which decided in favour of Conversion-Tracking. The AdWords customers will find out the total number of users, who clicked on their advertisement and were forwarded to a site fitted with a Conversion-Tracking-Tag. However, they do not receive any information, with which users can be personally identified. You can find further information relating to the data protection by Google here.

Users, who would not like to take part in the tracking procedure, can refuse the setting of a cookie that is necessary for this purpose – for example per browser setting, which generally deactivates the automatic setting of a cookie. Cookies for Conversion-Tracking can also be deactivated by setting the browser of the user so that cookies from the domain “” are blocked.

b) Google Analytics

On our websites we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ( (Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; hereinafter “Google”). In this context, pseudonymised user profiles are created and cookies are used. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website such as
1. browser type/version,
2. the operating system used,
3. referrer URL (the previously visited page),
4. host name of the accessing computer (IP address),
5. time of the server request,
can be transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymisation. The IP address of users is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Under no circumstances will your IP address be merged with other Google data.
The information is used to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities and to provide further services associated with the use of the website and the Internet for the purposes of market research and the design of these Internet pages in line with requirements. This information may also be transferred to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on our behalf.
You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.
You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing a browser add-on (
For the processing of your personal data by Google Analytics, we obtain your consent (cookie settings). The legal basis for this processing is therefore Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
Insofar as data is processed in the USA, we would like to point out that Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thereby assures that it complies with European data protection law (
Further information on data protection in connection with Google Analytics can be found in the Google Analytics Help (
Your personal data will be deleted or made anonymous after 14 months.

c) Google Analytics 4 (GA 4)
This website uses Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”), which enables an analysis of your use of our website.
By default, Google Analytics sets 4 cookies when you visit the website, which are stored as small text modules on your terminal device and collect certain information. The scope of this information also includes your IP address, which is, however, shortened by Google by the last digits in order to exclude a direct personal reference.
The information is transferred to Google servers and processed there. In the process, transfers to Google LLC, based in the USA, are also possible.
Google uses the collected information on our behalf to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for us and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. The IP address transmitted and shortened by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google. The data collected in the context of the use of Google Analytics 4 will be stored for a period of two months and then deleted.

Legal basis
All processing described above, in particular the setting of cookies on the end device used, will only take place if you have given us your express consent for this in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.
Without your consent, Google Analytics 4 will not be used during your visit to the site. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. To exercise your right of revocation, please deactivate this service via the “Cookie Consent Tool” provided on the website.
We have concluded an order processing agreement with Google, which ensures the protection of our site visitors’ data and prohibits unauthorized disclosure to third parties.

For the transfer of data to the USA, Google invokes standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, which are intended to ensure compliance with the European level of data protection.

Further legal information on Google Analytics 4, including a copy of the aforementioned standard contractual clauses, can be found at and at

Demographic characteristics
Google Analytics 4 uses the special “demographic characteristics” feature and can use it to create statistics that make statements about the age, gender and interests of site visitors. This is done by analyzing advertising and information from third-party providers. This allows target groups to be identified for marketing activities. However, the collected data cannot be assigned to a specific person and is deleted after being stored for a period of two months.

Google Signals
As an extension to Google Analytics 4, Google Signals can be used on this website to generate cross-device reports. If you have activated personalized ads and linked your devices to your Google account, Google may, subject to your consent to the use of Google Analytics pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR, analyze your usage behavior across devices and create database models, including on cross-device conversions. We do not receive any personal data from Google, only statistics. If you want to stop the cross-device analysis, you can deactivate the “Personalized advertising” function in the settings of your Google account. To do so, follow the instructions on this page: For more information about Google Signals, please visit the following link:

As an extension to Google Analytics 4, the “UserIDs” function can be used on this website. If you have consented to the use of Google Analytics 4 pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR, have set up an account on this website and log in with this account on different devices, your activities, including conversions, can be analyzed across devices.
Google provides a so-called deactivation addon. This is an extension for various browsers that disables the collection by the Google Analytics code. You can find the addon at: Browser add-on to disable Google Analytics.

GA 4 therefore collects both website and, where applicable, app data in order to track the behavior of users. As with its predecessor Universal Analytics, GA 4 processes personal data. The data collected includes the time spent on the website, demographic characteristics such as language and location, and the browser used to access the site. The special feature of GA 4 is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for data analysis. The user’s data is still accessed via cookies, scripts and pixels. The algorithms automatically measure the usage behavior of the individual user on the basis of event data. Events include, for example, scrolling to the end of the page, clicks on external links, downloads or page views. The algorithm that reads out these events can also recognize specific usage behavior on other devices, making cross-device behavior analysis possible. Therefore, if different separate sessions occur on different devices, GA 4 can automatically aggregate the sessions into a unified cross-device user experience based on user ID, Google ID, or device ID.

d) Google Maps

On our website we use Google Maps (API) from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Maps is a web service for displaying interactive (land) maps to visually present geographical information. By using this service, you can, for example, see our location and make it easier for you to find us.

Already when calling up those sub-pages in which the Google Maps map is integrated, information about your use of our website (such as your IP address) can be transmitted to Google servers in the USA and stored there. This happens regardless of whether Google provides a user account through which you are logged in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in at Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you don’t want to be associated with your Google profile, you must log out of your Google Account. Google stores your data (even for users who are not logged in) as user profiles and evaluates them. Such evaluation is carried out in particular in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 letter f GDPR on the basis of Google’s legitimate interests in the display of personalised advertising, market research and/or the needs-based design of its website. You have a right of objection to the creation of these user profiles, whereby you must contact Google in order to exercise this right.

This Google service is provided by Google Ireland Limited. Insofar as a transfer to the USA takes place, we refer to the certification of Google USA under the Privacy Shield, which guarantees compliance with the level of data protection applicable in the EU.

If you do not agree with the future transmission of your data to Google in the context of the use of Google Maps, there is also the possibility of completely deactivating the Google Maps web service by switching off the JavaScript application in your browser. Google Maps and thus also the map display on this website cannot then be used.

The use of Google Maps is in the interest of an attractive presentation of our online offers and easy findability of the locations we have indicated on the website. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

You can view Google’s terms of use at The additional terms of use for Google Maps can be found at

Detailed information on data protection in connection with the use of Google Maps can be found on the Google website (“Google Privacy Policy”):

e) Embedding YouTube videos (in advanced privacy mode)
Some Internet pages of our offer contain links or connections to the offer of YouTube. In general, we are not responsible for the content of websites to which links are provided. However, if you follow a link to YouTube, we would like to point out that YouTube stores the data of its users (e.g. personal information, IP address) in accordance with its own data usage guidelines and uses it for business purposes.
On some of our Internet pages we also directly integrate videos stored on YouTube. In this integration, content from the YouTube website is displayed in parts of a browser window. If you call up a (sub)page of our Internet offer on which YouTube videos are integrated, a connection to the YouTube servers is established and the content is displayed on the Internet page by informing your browser.
YouTube content is only integrated in “extended data protection mode”. This is provided by YouTube itself, thus ensuring that YouTube does not initially store any cookies on your device. However, when you call up the relevant pages, the IP address and, if applicable, other data are transmitted and thus, in particular, information is provided as to which of our Internet pages you have visited. This information cannot be assigned to you, however, unless you have logged in to YouTube or another Google service before calling up the page or are permanently logged in.
Once you click to start playing a embedded video, YouTube’s enhanced privacy mode will only store cookies on your device that do not contain personally identifiable information unless you are currently signed in to a Google service.
These cookies can be prevented by appropriate browser settings and extensions.
Address and link to the YouTube privacy notice:
Google/YouTube: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland – Privacy Policy:,
Privacy Shield:

f) LinkedIn Analytics and LinkedIn Ads

1. We use the conversion tracking technology and retargeting feature of LinkedIn Corporation on our website.

This technology can be used to play personalized ads on LinkedIn to visitors to this website. It also provides the ability to create anonymous reports on ad performance and website interaction information. For this purpose, the LinkedIn Insight tag is integrated into this website. This establishes a connection to the LinkedIn server if you visit this website and are logged into your LinkedIn account at the same time.

See LinkedIn’s privacy policy at for more information about data collection and use. You will also find the possibilities and rights to protect your privacy. If you are logged in to LinkedIn, you can deactivate data collection at any time by clicking on the following link:

2. Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data by using cookies for the web analysis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR

3. Purpose of the data processing

The processing of the personal data of the users enables us to analyse the surfing behaviour of our users. By the evaluation of the acquired data we are in the position to compile information about the use of the individual components of our website. This helps us to consistently improve our website and its user friendliness. By the anonymization of the IP address the interest of the users in their protection of personal data is sufficiently taken into account.

4. Duration of the storage, possibility for an objection and remedy

With regard to the duration of the storage, possibility for an objection and remedy see the presentation under VIII a) 1-4 relating to the individual service providers.

X. Social media

We use presences within social networks and/or platforms in order to be able to communicate in a modern way with interested persons and users within these networks and/or platforms and to be able to provide information about our services, offers and current topics. We draw your attention to the fact that your data may be processed by the relevant providers outside the European Union within the framework of the use of these networks and/or platforms. This may result in certain risks for you as a user. For example, the enforcement of your rights may be more difficult. Processing of your data by the platform providers is generally carried out for market research and advertising purposes. User profiles can be created based on your usage behaviour (of the respective network) and the resulting interests. These profiles can be used, for example, to place advertisements inside and outside the platforms that are intended to correspond to your interests. Network and/or platform providers from the USA certified according to the Privacy Shield are obliged to comply with EU data protection standards.

1. Legal basis for the processing of your personal data

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests are based on effective user information and modern communication with you. Insofar as the network and/or platform providers obtain consent for the aforementioned data processing, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a in connection with Art. 7 GDPR.

a) Sharing buttons:
On the website, we use “Shariff” buttons that are privacy protected. “Shariff” was developed by specialists of the computer magazine c’t to provide more privacy on the net and to replace the usual “Share” buttons of social networks.

b) Facebook:
The use of Facebook (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) (possibly pages, groups) is based on an agreement on the joint processing of personal data. Facebook’s Privacy Policy can be found at: (specifically for Facebook pages at: Facebook opt-out settings can be found at: and Facebook is certified under the privacy shield:

c) Twitter:
We maintain an online presence on the Twitter short message service (Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA). Twitter’s privacy policy can be found at: You can change your opt-out settings at Twitter is certified under the privacy shield:

d) XING:
We maintain an online presence at the XING career network (XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany). XING’s privacy policy can be found at:

d) LinkedIn:
We maintain an online presence at the LinkedIn network (LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Further information can be found in LinkedIn’s privacy policy at: LinkedIn is certified under the privacy shield:

2. Your rights as an involved person/user

The assertion of your rights as a user of the networks and/or platforms is best made against the particular providers. Only they have access to your data and can take and implement appropriate measures and provide information. Of course you can also contact us for questions and help.

XII. Rights of the relevant person

If personal data are processed by you are the data subject within the meaning of GDPR and you are entitled to the following rights towards the responsible party (aconso):

1. Right to information

You can request a confirmation from the responsible party concerning whether personal data, which relate to you, are processed. In case of such processing you can request details about the following information:

(1)    the purposes, for which the personal data are processed;
(2)    the categories of personal data, which are processed;
(3)    the recipients or the categories of recipients, towards whom the personal data relating to you were disclosed or will be disclosed still;
(4)    the planned duration of the storage of the personal data relating to you or, if concrete details are not possible in this respect, criteria for the stipulation of the storage duration;
(5)    the existence of a right to rectification or deletion or the personal data relating to you, of a right to limitation of the processing by the responsible party or a right to file an objection against this processing;
(6)    the existence of a right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority;
(7)    all available information about the origin of the data if the personal data are not collected from the relevant person;
(8)    the existence of an automatic decision-making including profiling pursuant to Art. 22 Para. 1 and 4 GDPR and – at least in these cases – feasible information about the involved logic as well as the range and the intended implications of such a processing for the relevant person.

You have a right to request information concerning whether the personal data relating to you will be transmitted to a third country or to an international organisation. In this context you can request to be notified about the suitable guarantees pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR in connection with the transmission.

2. Right to rectification

You have a right to rectification and/or completeness towards the responsible party if the processed personal data, which relate to you, are incorrect or incomplete. The responsible party has to carry out the rectification without delay.

3. Right to limitation to the processing

Under the following prerequisites you can request the limitation to the processing of the personal data relating to you:

(1)    if you dispute the accuracy of the personal data relating to you for a duration, which enables the responsible party to check the accuracy of the personal data;
(2)    the process is unlawful and you refuse the deletion of the personal data and instead request the limitation to the use of the personal data;
(3)    the responsible party no longer requires the personal data for the purposes of the processing, However, you require these for the assertion, exercising or defence of legal claims, or
(4)    if you have filed an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21 Para. 1 GDPR and it has not been determined yet whether the legitimate reasons of the responsible party outweigh compared to your reasons.

If the processing of the personal data relating to you was limited these data may – apart from their storage – only be processed with your consent or for the assertion, exercising or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural person or legal entity or are processed for reasons of an important public interest of the Union or a member state.

If the limitation to the processing was limited according to the aforementioned prerequisites, you will be informed by the responsible party before the limitation is revoked.

4. Right to deletion

a) Deletion obligation
You can request from the responsible party that the personal data relating to you are deleted without delay and the responsible party is obligated to delete these data without delay if one of the following reasons applies:

(1)    The personal data relating to you are no longer necessary for the purposes, for which they were collected or processed in any other way.
(2)    You revoke your consent on which the processing is supported pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a or Art. 9 Para. 2 lit. a GDPR, and there is no legal basis otherwise for the processing.
(3)    You file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21 Para. 1 GDPR and there are no legitimate reasons for the processing have precedence or you file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21 Para. 2 GDPR.
(4)    The personal data relating to you were processed unlawfully.
(5)    The deletion of the personal data relating to you is necessary in order to fulfil a legal obligation according to Union law or the law of the member states, which the responsible party is subject to.
(6)        The personal data relating to you were collected with regard to offered services of the information society pursuant to Art. 8 Para. 1 GDPR.

b) Information to third parties

If the responsible party has published the personal data relating to you and if it is obligated pursuant to Art. 17 Para. 1 GDPR to delete these it shall take appropriate measures by showing consideration for the available technology and the implementation costs, also of a technical kind in order to inform for the party responsible for the data processing, which processes the personal data, that you as relevant person have request from them the deletion of all links to these personal data or of copies or replications of these personal data.

c) Exceptions

The right to deletion shall not exist insofar the processing is necessary

(1)    in order to exercise the right to free expression of an opinion and to information;
(2)    to fulfil a legal obligation, which requires the processing according to the law of the Union or the member states, which the responsible party is subject to, or is carried out in order to perform a task, which is in the public interest or while exercising a public authority, which was assigned to the responsible party;
(3)    for reasons of the public interest in the field of public health pursuant to Art. 9 Para. 2 lit. h and i as well as Art. 9 Para. 3 GDPR;
(4)    for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes pursuant to Art. 89 Para. 1 GDPR, insofar as the law stated under Section a) is expected to render or seriously impair the realisation of the aims of this processing, or
(5)    to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

5. Right to notification

If you have asserted the right to rectification, deletion or limitation to the processing against the responsible party it is obligated to inform all recipients, to which the personal data relating to you were disclosed, of this rectification or deletion or the data or limitation to the processing unless it proves to be impossible or is associated with a disproportionate amount of work. You are entitled towards the responsible party to be informed about these recipients.

6. Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data relating to you, which you have made available to the responsible party, in a structured, common and machine-readable format. In addition you have the right to transmit these data to another responsible party without an impediment by the responsible part, to which the personal data were made available if

(1)    the processing is based on a consent pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR or Art. 9 Para. 2 lit. a GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR and
(2)    the processing is carried out using an automatic process.

While exercising this right you further have the right to achieve that the personal data relating to you are transmitted directly by one responsible party to another responsible party if this is technically possible. Freedom and rights of other persons may not be impaired hereby.

The right to data portability shall not apply to a processing of personal data, which is necessary to perform a task, which is in the public interest or is carried out while exercising a public authority, which was assigned to the responsible party.

7. Right of objection

You have the right, for reasons, which arise from your special situation, at all times to file an objection against the processing of the personal data relating to you, which is carried out owing to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. e or f GDPR, this also applies to a profiling supported on this provision.

The responsible party will no longer process the personal data relating to you, unless it can prove essential reasons that are worthy of protection for the processing, which outweigh your interests, rights and freedom, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

If the personal data relating to you are processed in order to conduct direct advertising you have the right to file an objection against the processing at all times of the personal data relating to you for the purpose of such advertising, this shall also apply to the profiling, insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising.

If you file an objection against the processing for purposes of direct advertising, then the personal data relating to you will no longer be processed for these purposes.

You have the possibility, in connection with the use of services of the information society – irrespective of the Directive 2002/58/EC – to exercise your right to file an objection by means of an automatic process, with which technical specifications are used.

8.Right to revocation of the declaration of consent under data protection law

You have the right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law at all times. By the revocation of the consent the legality of the processing carried out owing to the consent until the revocation will not be affected.

9. Automatic decision in an individual case including profiling

You have the right not to be submitted to a decision that is exclusively based on an automatic processing – including profiling –, which shall have legal effect towards you or substantially impairs you in a similar manner. This shall not apply if the decision

(1)    is necessary for the conclusion or the fulfilment of a contract between you and the responsible party,
(2)    is admissible owing to legal regulations of the Union or the member states, which the responsible party is subject to, and these legal regulations contain appropriate measures for the safeguarding of your rights and freedom as well as your legitimate interests or
(3)    is carried out with your explicit consent.

However, these decisions may not be based on special categories of personal data according to Art. 9 Para. 1 GDPR, if Art. 9 Para. 2 lit. a or g GDPR does not apply and appropriate measures were taken to protect the rights and freedom as well as your legitimate interests.

With regard to the cases stated in (1) and (3) the responsible party will take appropriate measures in order to safeguard the rights and freedom as well as your legitimate interests, which shall at least include the right to achieve the intervention of a person on the part of the responsible party, to prevent the own point of view and to contest the decision.

10. Right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority

Irrespective of a legal remedy otherwise under administrative law or in court you have the right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority, in particular in the member state of your place of abode, your workplace or the place of the presumed breach, if you are of the opinion that the processing of the personal data relating to you breaches the GDPR.

The supervisory authority, at which the complaint was lodged, will inform the complainant about the status and the results of the complaint including the possibility of a court legal remedy according to Art. 78 GDPR.

XII. Up-to-dateness and amendment of the data protection declaration

This data protection declaration is currently valid and has the status: June 2023

Due to the further development of our web pages and offers or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data protection declaration. You can call up and print out the current data protection declaration at any time on the website under

XIII Further information on other data processing

As a company, we process not only personal data on our website, but also in many other processes. In order to be able to provide you as a data subject with the most detailed information possible for these processing purposes as well, we have compiled this information here for the following processing activities, thus fulfilling the legal obligations to provide information pursuant to Art. 12-14 GDPR:

Should you require further information which you cannot find here or in the following detailed data protection declaration, please contact our data protection officer in confidence.

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